2014 clean room technology and its application seminar

The seminar was held on September 5 at room 418 room of Complex building of Taipei Tech.

Energy-saving technology and AMC are always clean room hot topics, this seminar speakers are PMS and Camfil Dr. Dan Rodier and Dr. Guillaume Gallet, two experts have come here to participate in SEMICON Taiwan Semicon, the Association invited two experts, could not find time to attend SEMICON Taiwan industry advanced, also sharing the latest trends and technologies.

The origin: This seminar is intended for clean rooms, two popular topics, AMC and carbon reduction, please go to PMS and Camfil's two expertsDr. Dan RodierAnd Dr. Guillaume GalletAnd Taiwan industry to share their research results. In the heat of summer, hope rich learning in a cool environment.

  • Center for Clean Technology Research. National Taipei University of Technology
  • Taiwan Clean Technology Association
In association with
  • ASHRAE Taiwan Chapter,Taipei refrigeration and air-conditioning engineers ' Association
  • TaiwanFrozen air conditioning engineering industries Association
  • China clean technology association and students for free,By collection300 NTD
  • Welcome to join Taiwan Clean Technology Association
  • National Taipei University of technology(1st. Section 3, Chung Hsiao E. Rd.,Taipei city.) General Department Museum 418Room
  • 2014/9/5 (On Friday,)
  • Dr. Dan Rodier. Particle Measuring Systems Co.
  • Dr. Dan Rodier is Technology Development Manager at Particle Measuring Systems. He has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Colorado and has over 23 years of experience developing and implementing technologies and strategies to measure airborne molecular species and particulate contamination. Dr. Rodier has four patents for microcontamination monitoring technologies. He has worked with customers across Asia, Europe, and North America to implement monitoring programs in the semiconductor, aerospace, hard disk drive, and flat panel display industries
  • Dr. Guillaume Gallet. Camfil Taiwan Co. Ltd
  • National Taipei University of TechnologyProf. SC. Hu

※議程異動:本研討會因考慮演講者時程,議程有所Changes at one o'clock in the afternoon onStart, if any inconvenienceAm sorry about that. Amended agendaAre as follows

Agenda: Date: 2014/9/5 (Fri.) 13:00~16:00

Time Content Presenter
13:00~13:05 Welcome speech
13:05~14:05 Carbon Footprint and Energy Savings in Cleanroom Air Handling Systems (Tentative)Clean room air-conditioning system's carbon footprint and energy-saving technologies (tentative) Dr. Guillaume Gallet
14:05~15:05 Monitoring Airborne Molecular Contamination and Nanoparticle Formation (Tentative)AMC and nano particles forming the monitoring of clean room (tentative) Dr. Dan Rodier
15:05~15:30 General discussion
15:30~16:00 Lounge / teatime

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