Referral message-Seminar on green Technology and PM2.5 filtration technology for sustainable environments

Green Technology for Sustainable Environments and PM2.5 Filtration Technology Workshop

Time: 108/7/11 (Thu) 13:30-16:30

Location: State Jiaotong University Institute of Environmental Engineering, Ring Art Hall, 1st floor lecture hall (1001 Hsinchu University Road)

Sponsored by: PM2.5 and Nano particle monitoring and control technology alliance

Co-organizer: Taiwan PM2.5 Monitoring and Control Industry Development Association

Online Registration system: (online registration, from now until 7/1 (i) registration deadline)

Contact: 03-5712121 ext. 55536 Ren Peiying


Annex archive sits on the agenda of the day:Green Technologies for Sustainable Environments and PM2.5 Filtering Technology Workshop

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